Museo Reina Sofía [ Excursión ]
Algunas de las piezas más importantes y reconocidas del mundo y de la historia se encuentran expuestas en Madrid, ven a conocer de primera mano los trabajos de los artistas españoles Picasso y Salvador Dalí entre otros muchos.
Some of the most important and recognized pieces in the world and in history are exhibited in Madrid, come and see first hand the works of Spanish artists Picasso and Salvador Dalí among many others.
During your visit to Madrid, you can not miss the Reina Sofia Museum, the most important modern art museum in Spain, this museum has works of major Spanish artists such as Picasso, Dali, and Goya, here you can find the main works of Goya, Picasso's Guernica, discover the work of Dali and learn about the art of the 20th century.
The museum is mainly dedicated to Spanish art, focusing on the three greatest masters of the 20th century in Spain: Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí and Joan Miró. The most famous masterpiece in the museum is Picasso's painting, Guernica. The guide will explain this Spanish art, from abstractionism to cubism, surrealism and modernism, showing you the most important work of the artists. Today, the Reina Sofia Museum holds a large number of works, explore the halls and galleries with your guide, and learn about their works and artists. Hola España!
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